A Cycle of Compassion and Kindness

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The medical research shows that the acts of giving, kindness, and helping others do wonder to the giver. There are ripples from inside that have a soothing, calming effect on me when I give. It can decrease cortisol, a stress … Read More

Snowy – Soothing – Stunning: Splendor of the Canadian Rockies

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We always had an intrigue to visit Calgary and the Canadian Rockies in the wintertime. How would it all look when snow and ice cover everything in white? When Timish and Alpabhabhi invited us, the fun of family time made … Read More

Dreams, Ambitions, and Change

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I think dreams and ambitions can spring positive vibes, give a purpose/direction to my thinking, and expand my horizons. Goals can sharpen the focus and fuel the drive to make things happen. However, I can think of times in the … Read More

Zion and Bryce Canyon: Harmony in Majesty

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We had an opportunity to spend three days in the Bryce Canyon National Park. We also got a chance to stop by the Zion National Park while driving up. While it is always rejuvenating to be close to nature, I … Read More

Namaste – Michchhami Dukkadam: નમસ્તે – મિચ્છામિ દુક્કડમ 😊 🙏🏼

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I have written this reflection first below in Gujarati language, after that in English when you scroll further down. મેં આ ચિંતન પહેલા ગુજરાતીમાં લખ્યું છે અને એના પછી નીચે અંગ્રેજી માં લખ્યું છે.

Connecting to my Abundance: Trip to India

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A trip to India connecting me with roots is always nourishing and rejuvenating. This time I also have the privilege of spending time with mummy. It connected me with one more time yet with an abundance of experiences, moments, family, … Read More

I Dissolve

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I am the Atma – spacious awareness – full of compassion, love, nurture, warmth, happiness, joy, and peace. I dissolve the sharp edge of the painful experience, memory, hurt, or sorrow by allowing the weather of thoughts and emotions to … Read More

Clarify Mind: 10 of 10: Lose Yourself

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SOMETIMES, when I run, I get in a zone where I feel so relaxed and peaceful. Endorphins kick in and probably are helping, too. I enjoy the stillness; it is soothing, energizing, and decompressing. It gets me in my flow; … Read More

Clarify Mind: 9 of 12: Gratitude

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I am grateful for so many positive things happening in my life. My physical intelligence is taking care of many complex tasks so that I can eat, walk, talk, write, smile, eat, see, and do many beautiful things. I am … Read More

Clarify Mind: 8 of 12: Proact

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Mind’s thinking is just nature. Just as I can’t stop or avoid nature, I can’t resist my thoughts. What can help me live with my thoughts skillfully: Being a witness saves me from getting entangled with my thinking. The paradigm … Read More

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