Ocean Inspired to trust and inhabit my being

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We reached Laguna Beach around 6:30 p.m. The sun was still up on the long summer day, and the air was crisp. The deep blue sky imbued the Pacific Ocean views with its hues. The waves spreading in a circle, … Read More

Fiery Colors on Horizon: Laguna Beach

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It was an overcast day with a thick cloud cover as we drove to Laguna Beach. We lucked out as clouds dispersed on the horizon and sun rays burst through with the fiery yellow colors. It reminded me that the … Read More

A shift from Spontaneity: Laguna Beach

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Yesterday a quick visit to Laguna Beach buoyed our spirits. We reached close to seven in the evening and spent about an hour until sunset. We soaked in an incredible experience of colors on the waters and palm trees as … Read More