My Three Incentives for Goals

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I read Steven Lewitt’s Freakonomics about five years ago. It is fun. It’s easy read with a lot of examples and insights that we can use in any personal, social or business situation. One nugget that I have kept from … Read More

My Fully Loaded Car – Rational Emotions or Emotional Rationality?

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Let me tell you a true story about my very first car. This story is me and my mindset sixteen years ago. It makes me laugh about it now, but it meant so much for me at the time. I … Read More

Cultivate Your Support System

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Business development is always about customers: How do I serve my customers better and retain them? How can I get more business from my current customers? How do I get new customers? Whether you are a marketer, a sales professional, … Read More

Web Copy – ABC’s and D, E as well!

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A good web copy is key to capture the interest of your website visitors. Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind. Be Authentic – Say what you know and say it with authority. Clarity and truth still … Read More

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