Divine Colors on the Horizon

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We reached Balboa on an overcast evening a few minutes after the sunset. The orange colors around the contours of Catalina Island reminded me right away I am part of the connected conscience of the universe. It felt so divine … Read More

Sunset from Robber’s Roost

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I went up to Robber’s Roost for a quick hike. I sat down on one of the two rocks, and an incredible sunset experience and colors surprised and refreshed me. The following are pictures of the progression as the sun … Read More

Deep Blue and White

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We reached Newport Beach around noon time. The deep blue color of the Pacific Ocean and the white waves crashing on the beach felt good.    

Merging with Mother Nature

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There was a thick marine layer at Newport Beach. The fog looked like it had merged with the water, making it look continuous grey when we looked at the ocean from the beach. The water swarmed around my feet. With … Read More

Chakra Healing Affirmations

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I am the Atma – the soul. I carry the energy signature based on my past actions or karma from this life and past lives. The energy signature can impact my chakras’ frequency, alignment, and balance, causing adverse physical, mental, … Read More

Blast with the Monkeys

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We had an extended family of about 20 monkeys, making it a party inside the porch. As I stepped outside to take videos, they decided to keep their flow, caring less about me. I am happy I could capture their … Read More

Emerging Ripples: Inspiration from Derasar

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Opening up to receive the vibes as they emerge always surprises me with opportunities to discover different perspectives. We have the Munisuvrat Swami Ghar-Deraser right across the street from home. Mummy and I go there every morning for the darshan. … Read More

My Rainbow of Chakras: Meditation by the Beach

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The blog article is from a moving experience at Newport Beach yesterday morning.

Frolicking Birds

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We reached Newport Beach early in the morning, around 6:30 am. The ambiance was healing, with the sounds of the crashing waves of the Pacific Ocean filling the air. Walking on the beach felt soothing – I felt grounded and … Read More

Water under my feet

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Feeling the cold waters of the Pacific Ocean under my feet is always magical. The tide swarming around my feet helped me feel even better.

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