Win-win relationship – Is it a cliché, or an art, or a science?

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Win-win relationships…. win-win situations… win-win agreements… I keep hearing about them all the time. The expression win-win is used and abused so much that it has become kind of a cliché. However fostering relationship that helps everyone involved in it … Read More

Help along my learning curve – paradigm, lenses and a binocular

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Give me the crystal ball. The crystal ball that shows when to continue plugging away, and when to look for the new avenues and alternatives. I am still searching for one. In the meantime, let me share some of my … Read More

LinkedIn – Expand Network, Build Credibility

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LinkedIn gives you an opportunity to build credibility. As a professional, it gives you build your resume or bio that you can use for long time. Build your career profile, describe what you do clearly. Get endorsements from your customers, … Read More

How do you prepare for a presentation?

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Abraham Lincoln once said, “If you ask me to speak for 30 minutes, I can speak now. If you need to speak for 5 minutes, I need to prepare.” I love his statement. Expressing your thoughts in a limited time … Read More

Toastmasters Workshop – Communication and Change

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We had a workshop at our toastmasters club – Paul Revere Toastmasters. The topic was how means of communication has evolved, and what we can or should do to keep our effectiveness. We had three insightful panel speeches from Lou, … Read More

Build Credibility using Blog

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Interactivity and communication always help any relationship. Does it matter for customer relationships and your company/product brand as well? It sure does. The key is to introduce the ideas that add value to your target audience. How do you make … Read More

My Three Incentives for Goals

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I read Steven Lewitt’s Freakonomics about five years ago. It is fun. It’s easy read with a lot of examples and insights that we can use in any personal, social or business situation. One nugget that I have kept from … Read More

Decisions – do I use intuition or logic?

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When it comes down to making decisions – do I use logic, or emotions, or intuition, or all of them? This is for any situation with my career, my business, my customers, my family, or any other social engagement. I … Read More

Leadership – Do you have, or do you do?

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Don’t we step into a leadership role any time we work as part of a team? I have involved with so many projects, and each of them required coordination among team members. You represent your organization in front of a … Read More

My Lessons for Business Presentations

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The presentations are absolutely critical in the marketing and sales strategies of any company. They happen everywhere – in one-on-one sales situations, workshops or seminars, demonstrations, launching of new products, trade shows, or the internet webinars. They’re highly personal, too, … Read More

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