Content that Connects – Three Keys to Success

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What kind of content helps in developing relationships and retaining relationships?

Here are my three keys that have always worked.

  1. Add Value
  2. Small Doses
  3. Promotions

Add value: Answer question. Solve a problem. Educate them on tools of the trade. Or, show them how to think. For example, if you have an IT solution that would help bring down power consumption, explain them what to look for in a power system, or what incentives are available to them to select an alternative energy power source.

Small doses: Your offering solves a lot of problems, or a few, or a one. However, give only one small piece at a time that helps with one simple idea or thread. Give a mouthful that they can chew, relish and put to use today. For example, if you have kitchen remodeling service, one idea could be pros and cons of granite top, and another separate content piece could be how to combine paint colors, and yet another could be how to select type of a tile. Each of these becomes a category for which you can create a series of articles, blog posts, videos …etc.


Promotion:  Or, have an incentive or a promotion that actually gives away something. It can be your product or service.
Another way to think about is giveaway that has a tremendous local interest. If you are a real estate company in Southern California, give away Disney tickets that a family can enjoy.

Remember people buy with emotions and justify with logic. Connect with them at personal level; it will do wonders for your marketing.

What are your thoughts?