Clarify My Mind: 10 of 12: Equanimity

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Equanimity is composure, calmness, or even kill to meet all experiences. Life is living through me. All things emerge and pass away – joys and sorrows, agonies and ecstasies, fun and frustrating events. Do I respond to them with fear, … Read More

Ripples of Oneness at Laguna Beach

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It felt refreshing the moment I saw the Pacific Ocean at Laguna Beach. I parked on the PCH and walked to the beach near the north corner. I probably walked on the elevated walkway for less than a minute – … Read More

Ocean Waves Spreading in Curve: Harmony with Nature

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We walked on the elevated walkway at Laguna Beach. It gave opportunities to see the beach contour from a variety of angles. We stopped at one spot and saw a white color wave approach the shoreline with a beautiful circular … Read More

Playful Wonders of Waves: Balboa Peninsula

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It was a pleasant Sunday morning. It felt good to be out there before the day warms up. The waves took my breath away while looking at them from different angles. Each crashing wave connected me to the wonders of … Read More

Pacific Ocean: Abundant Cauldron of Mother Nature

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It was a pleasant morning at Balboa Beach. While the sky was blue, a thick marine layer was on the horizon as I looked towards the Pacific Ocean. I turned towards the north side, and the magic of the crashing … Read More