We walked on the elevated walkway at Laguna Beach. It gave opportunities to see the beach contour from a variety of angles. We stopped at one spot and saw a white color wave approach the shoreline with a beautiful circular curve. The water, the land, the mountains in the backdrop, the shops on the far, and the people on the beach all seemed perfectly harmonious with Mother Nature and her universal laws.
I am liberating my fear and guilt, drawing on the abundance of the earth, the ocean, and the sky. My earth element is balanced.
I am embracing and accepting the change. The universe is evolving and expressing itself through me. Life is living through me. Water inside me connects with the abundant vibes of the ocean. It nourishes each cell in my body. My gratitude, compassion, and loving care permeate all my relationships. My water element is balanced.
I draw on the power of the sun and fire element inside me to focus on my goals and transform myself. My fire element is balanced.
I connect with all living beings with loving care and compassion. My air element is balanced.
I connect with more meaning and calling from inside. I express myself clearly true to my heart. With my words, I plant seeds of positive change and healthy relationships.
My ether element is balanced.
I understand I am connected to and am part of the universal consciousness – the Atma. I identify with it. That is my true identity.

It was a sunny, crisp spring afternoon at the Laguna Beach. We stood by the railing, enjoying the vantage point. Waves approached the shoreline with striking symmetry of circular arc. The sand sparkled in the sun, with each grain appearing to glow.