Clarify My Mind: 10 of 12: Equanimity

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Equanimity is composure, calmness, or even kill to meet all experiences.

Life is living through me. All things emerge and pass away – joys and sorrows, agonies and ecstasies, fun and frustrating events. Do I respond to them with fear, reactivity, and contraction, or with clarity and wisdom? Do I get attached to them and get swept with the drama of my thoughts & emotions, or be a compassionate witness and let it all pass through? Can I meet it all with a peaceful heart?

I am spacious awareness. I am a big open sky, and the weather of experiences – thrilling and challenging – passes through and dissolves or passes through like clouds.

I wish, hope, and pray that all my friends, family, colleagues, customers, and people everywhere find balance and live with a peaceful heart.

What are your thoughts?