Clarify Mind: 5 of 12: Trust

posted in: Deven's Journey, Mindfulness | 0

Can’t I trust the body’s natural wisdom and how it supports life? My breath takes care of itself. My ears can hear, my eyes can see, and my organs can sustain the metabolism and biology of being alive. There are so many beautiful and complex things unfolding in the body. Why should my mind or heart be any different if my body is trustworthy?

The more I trust myself, the more I can trust other people and relationships with nature. It helps me believe in my confidence and ability to face challenges in life. It empowers me with a powerful stabilizing element embracing security, balance, and openness, which can intuitively guide and protect me from negativity.


Jon Kabat-Zinn: Somewhere deep within us resides a profoundly healthy and trustworthy core, and our intuitions, as deep resonances of the actuality of the present moment, are worthy of our trust.

Joseph Campbell: Follow your bliss, and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.

Shakti Gawain: To whatever degree you listen to and follow your intuition, you become a creative channel for the higher power of the universe.


Can I trust myself at this moment? The more I tune in, listen to, and follow the voice from inside, the more I allow my natural intelligence and abundance to emerge, enlightening me with new insights and answers.

Trust is part of me and mother nature



What are your thoughts?