Playful Wonders of Waves: Balboa Peninsula

posted in: Mindfulness, Places I Visit | 0

It was a pleasant Sunday morning. It felt good to be out there before the day warms up. The waves took my breath away while looking at them from different angles. Each crashing wave connected me to the wonders of Mother Nature.

The moments generated wonder and curiosity of a child. It connected me with my inner child, keen and excited about the next wave and its vibrant effects of sounds and colors.

As each wave brought its own effect of colors, sounds, and cold sensations of water around my feet, I lost myself in them with childlike wonder, curiosity, excitement, and joy.

I turned toward the southeast. The direct sun rays on the waves created a mesmerizing shine on the water’s blue, green, and white colors.

As far as I could see, there was a shiny white and green-blue color in the Pacific Ocean. Each wave added a shiny wonder to my eyes. The sand and soil wore bright sunshine and colors of the waves.

The magic of ocean water, waves, and sunlight continued. The variations in the effects galvanized my attention to catch every moment it unfolded. The spontaneity and unpredictability absorbed my consciousness: it soaked through all my senses.

I was a beginner in every moment, thrilled in anticipation of what it would bring.

I found reasons to smile. I let the clouds of memories, thoughts, and emotions pass through and dissolve. I resonated with the joyful and peaceful vibes of the universe.

The universe is evolving with each moment. I am a link in the chain of its evolution.

What are your thoughts?