The fears, hurt feelings, trauma, or imprint of memories of the past from this life and past lives embedded in my subconscious mind can have tremendous control over the weather of thoughts and emotions passing through me. My mind can attach to them and make their grip even stronger.
Can I detach from them by being a witness to them, accepting them, and letting them go by using my active awareness? Can I cultivate the intent to let go and forgive? It can slowly free me up from the jail of my thoughts. It can open the space inside to dissolve reactive patterns, heal, grow, and decompress.
Others might behave or react out of their fears, insecurities, and the imprint of past weather patterns. Can I let it all pass through me and dissolve, too?
Owning and acknowledging the past actions that I might have done knowingly or unknowingly and asking forgiveness for them expands room for my consciousness. Holding my mind & its weather, my inner child, and all around me in the space of love & compassion unlocks ripples of joy and nurture from inside. Being grateful for all experiences and accepting them can bring peace to my heart and weather it all with equanimity.
Can I forgive? Can I cultivate space and courage to be vulnerable and seek forgiveness from the bottom of my heart?

> Clarify My Mind: 1 of 12: Beginner
> Clarify My Mind: 2 of 12: Witness, not a Judge
> Clarify My Mind: 3 of 12: Accept
> Clarify My Mind: 4 of 12: Let Go
> Clarify My Mind: 5 of 12: Trust or Faith or Belief
> Clarify My Mind: 6 of 12: Patience
> Clarify My Mind: 7 of 12: Generosity
> Clarify My Mind: 8 of 12: Proact, and not React
> Clarify My Mind: 9 of 12: Gratitude
> Clarify My Mind: 10 of 12: Equanimity
> Clarify My Mind: 11 of 12: Forgiveness
> Clarify My Mind: 11 of 12: Forgiveness
> Clarify My Mind: 12 of 12: Compassion and Empathy