It was an overcast morning at the Santiago Oaks Mountains. The temperature was in the sixties. There was a gentle breeze. The air was super clean. I sat down on the rock at the peak of one of the hills and could see the Pacific Ocean and Catalina Island in the distance.
I was up in the mountains with the sky inviting me to open up, unfold, and be one with it. I surrendered to the moment.
I heard the sounds of the breeze, a car or two passing by on the streets in the distance, and people chatting & enjoying the moments on a nearby rock. The sounds dissolved through my spacious awareness, similar to how clouds passed by in the sky above me.
I was one with the sky.
The sensations in my body appeared and dissolved like sounds and clouds.
The wind touched my skin, and with it, the thoughts in my mind passed through the sky and my spacious awareness.
I witnessed it all. I accepted the sounds, body sensations, and thoughts passing through me: I let them go. With each breath, I infused them with loving care, compassion, joy, and peace.
As I brought awareness back into my body, I felt a lightness and soothing sensation in my stomach.
The earth sprang the energy and healing up in my body. It restored my faith and belief.
I welcome each moment with the wonder, excitement, and vulnerability of the child inside me. I enjoy life living through me.

The mountains are brown after several months of dry weather, but there are still spots of green all around. As I started hiking, I saw a side with as vibrant and dynamic hues of brown as I have ever seen. Mother Earth and nature allow abundance for life to survive and thrive in the harshest of conditions.

The hiking trail led me to the top of the next hill. I had one more vantage point from which to see the mountains, the houses, the hiking trails, the ocean, and Cataline Island in the distance.

The hiking trail spanned hills and circled around the valley floor in the middle. As I approached the other side, I had one more vantage point to see the ocean and Catalina Island. The dry grass stems reminded me of the parched climate, yet the spots of green shrubs showed vibrant and resilient life and the healing, thriving spirit of Mother Nature.

I felt so blessed for a fantastic morning of hiking and meditation among the mountains.
Spacious Awareness – December 04, 2024
I surrender to the moment. I surrender my mind, body, and intellect to the divinity within and the divinity of the universe. I accept the thoughts and emotions passing through me and let them go without attachment.
I am spacious awareness. I aim to exhume the weather of thoughts and emotions and clarify my mind to the ‘Shunya.’