All my past actions and experiences have created an energy field where countless quantum particles draw chain reactions of feelings and interactions with others. Zillions of memories are in my subconscious mind, and the weather of thoughts passing through me activates reactions from those memories.
I have awareness and consciousness that can bring light to it all. With that, the undercurrents of the subconscious can be opportunities to neutralize quantum particles and gain insights. What may seem like the baggage of the past and a messy tangle of emotions and thinking patterns can help unlock insights to transform me.
The analogy I loved is that of a lotus – it grows in the mud and yet is spotless, bright, vibrant, colorful, and radiant. Lotus survives and thrives because of the mud and its nutrients. Similarly, the lotus – awakening and clarifying the mind for light and love – needs the mud of memories, reactions, quantum particles, and the weather of the subconscious. The key for the lotus to emerge and bloom is to be aware and conscious to witness the thoughts, emotions, and their resulting body reactions – accept them – let them pass through without resisting, twisting, denying, or fighting with them.

Crown or Sahastrar Chakra: I am the Atma – the spacious awareness and universal consciousness. It is expansive like the sky and full of peace, joy, bliss, happiness, love, compassion, and care.
Ajna or Third Eye Chakra: I tune into my intuition and voice from the inside for direction and insights. I open up my conscious mind to receive knowledge from the universe.
Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra: I accept and let go of the weather of emotions, thoughts, and body sensations – they pass through me. I observe them in clear light. I tune into the voice from inside and follow through on it to plant seeds of positive change with my proactive thinking and words. With each breath going in, I infuse compassionate care to all living beings who might be hurting. With each exhale, I let the grudges, emotional bindings, jealousy, hatred, and fear exhume into the space. I cultivate compassion and forgiveness with the light and love of my awareness.
Anahat or Heart Chakra: I hold my mind, thoughts, feelings, body sensations, and intellect with love and compassion. I hug my inner child with a healing and warm embrace. I send ripples of loving care to all connected to me.
Manipur or Solar Plexus Chakra: I tap into the fire and drive from inside to be the change I wish to see.
Swadhisthan or Sacral Chakra: The water inside me connects to the water in other living beings—it also draws abundance and healing vibes from the rivers, lakes, springs, and oceans. I am a creative channel of the universe blessed with boundless potential and abundance. I experience changes in life with equanimity and a peaceful heart. The water inside me heals every cell in my body.
Mooladhar or Root Chakra: The earth gives me a strong and stable foundation of trust, positive belief, security, and faith. It heals my bones and muscles. It infuses loving energy into the memories embedded in my unconscious.

No more struggle
Whatever arises, I train, and I train again and again to see it for what it is. I look at it without bias. I avoid judging it. Things arise, and things dissolve forever and ever.
I let go of the storylines, judgments, and schemes.
Stop struggling – no need to struggle with any of it.
Using poison as medicine
When suffering arises, I breathe it in for everybody. I am connected and one with all living beings. It’s not just my suffering. It is the suffering of all. Instead of pushing it away or running from it, I breathe in and connect with it in its entirety. With each exhale, I release the negativity and hurt for all. I do this with the wish that all of us could be free of suffering.
It’s awakened energy
Everything that arises—suffering, darkness, and chaos—is awakened energy and play of wisdom. There is no need to avoid conflict. There is no need to prove that if I did the right things, the mistakes and pain wouldn’t exist. The reality of my life—as is, right now, and right here—gives me tools and insights to attain enlightenment.
Give yourself a break. Lighten up, have a sense of humor, and relax. It can help keep everything in perspective. It can open up the space inside.

I tune into the divinity that guides me to realize the Atma or the soul I am. I bow to all who have achieved eternal, pure consciousness, awareness, light, and love. I respect all teachers who show me a way to self-control and detachment from the currents of greed and material chase and my bodily needs. I learn from thought leaders who show ways to meditate & reflect. I welcome healing vibes from saints that inspire me to live a simple life. The nurturing vibes from them all help me clarify and purify my mind.