Groove of Creativity: Moments at Newport Beach

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Sparkling Blue Waters - Groove of Creativity

Groove of Creativity

It was a crisp afternoon at Newport Beach. The clear sky imbued the Pacific Ocean with a deep blue color. The reflection of the sun’s rays sparkled on the water. The ocean waters swarmed around my feet, grounding and healing me.

The experience connected me with radiance from the inside, filled with light and love.

I forgot about memories, worries, or plans. The universe blessed me with grace, harmony, openness, vulnerability, and fullness so I could lose myself in the moment. I soaked up the experience through all my senses.

It nudged me to trust my heart. It reinforced my faith and belief.

Space opened inside where my emotional bindings and hurt could dissolve. It clarified my mind.

It opened my mind, body, and intellect to let the flow of the universe channel through me. I felt connected to my intuition and bliss from the inside. I felt calm, quiet, peaceful, content, complete, and focused to tune into the voice from inside. It put me in my groove of creativity.

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Frolicking Birds

I am grateful for quality moments at the beach, walking barefoot in the water. I connected with the flow from within. It put me in my creative groove.

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