Visualization: Healing, Peace, and Joy

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Healing vibes of divinity and superconscious

I am the Atma – spacious awareness, universal consciousness, love, and light.

I am the one who observes – I am a witness to my mind, body, and intellect.

I accept the weather passing through me – I let it go without attaching to it.

I hold my current state of mind and body with love and compassion.

There is a giant smile in the sky. It is coming down and putting a smile on my face. With each breath, it relaxes the area around my eyes. It nudges my throat and the bottom of my tongue to smile. With the next several breaths, my heart smiles and sings.

The space is opening up – becoming ever more expansive – it dissolves the body pains, ailments, thoughts, emotions, and feelings without any trace. It is like droplets of pigment dissolving in a vast lake.

I am using the space to channel my energy, thoughts, and actions to create a positive change I wish to see in the world.

My mind, body, and intellect are attracting positive vibes and energies. I am seeing all the changes in life with a peaceful heart. I am a creative channel of the universe – it is evolving through me and becoming conscious through me – life is living through me.

It reinforces or strengthens faith, trust, and positive belief. I feel safe, secure, and assured that I will get everything I need.

There is calm, peace, loving care, compassion, healing, abundance, joy, happiness, and excitement from inside. I am breathing it all in my body and mind, connecting to and tapping into the forces of the universe.

Release of trapped energy and unfoldment

Root Chakra or Mooladhar Chakra: The energy from Mother Earth is rising and balancing my Earth element. I scan my body while breathing into muscles and bones. I hold healing space for imprints of memories embedded in my bones and unconscious to heal and soften. My physical intelligence is doing amazing things – metabolizing food, breathing, walking that is coordinated with several muscle groups – I can go on forever. Just as I trust it and am sure it will take care of me, I believe in the profoundly trustworthy core that strengthens my faith, trust, positive belief, sense of security, and assurance that my life will be fine. There is no reason for fear and doubt.

Swadhisthan Chakra or Sacral Chakra: The water in my body carries positive emotions and healing energy to every cell. It connects with water in all living beings and oceans, rivers, lakes, and springs. The water flowing in my body channels the abundant creativity and potential of the universe.

I am not alone or isolated, trapped in the cocoon of my thinking mind—I am a creative channel of the universe carrying out a purpose much larger than me. I draw on the positive vibes and synergies of the collective.

Manipur Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra:

  • I am grateful to my parents and ancestors for their energy, support, nourishment, warmth, and loving care—I am standing on the shoulders of giants.
  • My unconditional love and ripples of joy, peace, and healing to my ancestors.
  • I let go of the bindings, attachments, and dense energy from the past experiences and drama with them. I release my ancestors from my shackles of the past energy. I wish, hope, and pray that my healing vibes help them follow their soul’s path to inner joy and liberation.
  • Ho’oponopono & intent to forgive: I take ownership of my past mistakes and the hurt I might have caused them. I ask for forgiveness. I let go of the memories and grudges embedded in my energy field over the current and past lives. I am grateful for the weather of chain reactions with emotions and thoughts flowing through me, as it allows me to be aware and let them release. I see all in the light of spacious awareness we all are – my love, compassion, joyful vibes, and healing ripples of bliss to them all.
  • The fire inside me is balanced – I feel healing energies in my stomach.
  • I tap into the fire from inside for the energy and drive to make things happen. I am blessed with the self-discipline to focus on my capabilities, cultivate them, and channel them to plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love.

Anahat Chakra or Heart Chakra: I hold my inner child with loving care, boundless love, and a warm hug. I breathe in healing, peace, nurture, and relaxing ripples to my mind, intellect, and every cell in my body. I expand my circle and aura of compassion and empathy to all family & friends, all living beings, and Mother Earth. I accept myself.

Vishuddhi Chakra or Throat Chakra: I witness the weather of thoughts and feelings in the light of my awareness. I accept it, allow it, let it go, and pass through. Seeing it all from an elevated vantage point without getting swept away by its currents helps me discern the insights and connect with the wisdom. It guides me with the inner compass of conscience and connects to the meaning, inspiration, and calling from the inside. I plant seeds of positive change with my words & thoughts.

Ajna Chakra, or Third Eye Chakra, helps me discover insights and download knowledge from the universe. My intuition connects me with the creative channel of the universe and direction from the inside.

Sahastrar Chakra or Crown Chakra: The thousand petals of my crown chakra open up and connect me with the divinity. My mind, body, and intellect unfold, synchronize with, and surrender to the universal consciousness.

What are your thoughts?