It felt refreshing the moment I saw the Pacific Ocean at Laguna Beach. I parked on the PCH and walked to the beach near the north corner. I probably walked on the elevated walkway for less than a minute – the sound of a crashing wave caught my attention. I looked slightly backward, and the view from the elevation felt serene. There was a golden hue from the sun close to the horizon on the west: it combined with the light effects of scattered clouds to create captivating reflection on the ripples of the Pacific Ocean. The waves looked in harmony and so blissful from the higher elevation. My mind opened like the sky above, and my thoughts and feelings flowed through my spacious awareness like clouds appearing and dissolving in the view above. The sky, the sea, the earth, and the wind all seemed to resonate in perfect harmony. It connected me to the oneness I am as universal consciousness or the Atma and to collective oneness. The universe’s abundance flowed through me, dissolving the blocks of emotions. The moments healed and energized me.

I walked for a hundred feet or so, and the sound of a wave caught me again. I looked towards the ocean, and the view took my breath away. The vast ocean glistened with countless hues of orange, yellow, deep greenish blue, and grey color hues. As my attention shifted closer to the shoreline, the crashing waves soaked through all my senses – the sound, colors, smell in the air, and the breeze puffing my face. I felt one with it all and fully present in the moment.
It inspired me to infuse loving care and compassion into the weather of the subconscious passing through me. With each breath going out, it exhumed into the space.

There is a spot where the land is going towards the sea a little further with a steep decline. There are rocks close to the shoreline. The waves crashed into the wall and around the rocks. The white and light green color foam overwhelmed the area. It felt like water was coming to me, connecting and healing the water inside me with all its abundance and richness. The universe was getting conscious through me, and I enjoyed the flow.
On the side towards the north, there was an opening in the clouds. The orange light passed through it and reflected on the sea with a bright glow. It reminded me of the tremendous power and energy of the sun. I am blessed with a fire element inside me that helps me metabolize food, and it gives me the drive to make things happen. There was quiet reassurance and gratitude for the blessings in my life.
My mind paused. My anxiety faded away. My mind, body, ego, and intellect unfolded and dissolved for those moments. My consciousness was one with that of the universe.

There are spots along the walkway with colorful succulents and other plants. They looked good in one area leading up to a cliff. The waves created their vibrant glow of white with stunning sound effects. In my mind’s eyes, I was part of the seawater in those moments. The breeze flew through me, infusing nurturing vibes to every cell in my body. It inspired me to break the cocoon of the reactive thinking patterns of my mind and identify with the spacious awareness and universal consciousness that I am. I detached from the weather of thoughts and drama of emotions playing in my subconscious. I got the nudge to identify with goodness in all people, all living beings, and the universe.
With each breath in, I inhaled compassion to the emotional bindings and attachments: with each exhale, I let it go out, exhume, and disperse in the space. The vibes made me feel secure.
The clouds covered the sun. Right before the sunset, it appeared below the clouds and above the mountain on the side. Seeing it appear on the horizon, slowly moving down, and set in 2-3 minutes was quite a treat. There are palm trees in the direction, and I felt blessed to see the sun show up right below the tall leaves of the trees.
Mother nature, the universe, and the stars aligned so we could see the sun going down among the tree trunks and behind the mountain’s edge in the distance.

I am not my body, not my mind, and not my intellect. I am universal consciousness and spacious awareness, one with all. 🙂