We reached Laguna Beach in the afternoon. The weather was pleasant, with a gentle breeze and scattered clouds. The view of white and grey color clouds creating breathtaking reflections on the Pacific Ocean drew me to the moment—the experience soaked through all my senses.

I merged with the five elements – Earth, water, fire, air, and ether.
I am Earth – the healing energy from the Earth is rising and circulating in me.
I am water – it infuses every cell of my body with abundance, peace, joy, and positive vibes.
I am fire – it energizes my drive to a positive change I want to see in the world.
I am air – I am connected to all living beings. I channel loving care, compassion, and joy to all.
I am ether (the sky) – the blue sky full of spacious awareness and universal consciousness. The weather of thoughts, emotions, and body sensations pass through me like clouds in the sky. I observe them all and let them pass through and dissolve.
I draw on guiding light to plant seeds of nurturing thoughts and words.
The energy of five elements is channeling through me out into the universe. My mind and body are unfolding to be one with all.
The divine energy enters my crown chakra, infusing love and light into my physical being.

Video: Harmony of Waves

Video: Abundance of Mother Nature