Spring Ocean Vibes – I Love Myself

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I love my mind and its thoughts. I love every cell of my body. I hold the inner child in me with warmth & nurturing care, unconditional love, and boundless compassion.

Mother Earth is springing energy in me and providing for all I need. I have deep faith and trust that I will be okay. There could be fears in my unconscious from my past lives. I accept them all, let them be, observe them, and let the weather of emotions pass through. I send loving ripples and healing energy symbols to my root chakra. I am safe, secure, and firmly rooted in a stable and reassuring platform. I embrace changes in life as opportunities and not threats.

The universe is evolving and becoming conscious through me. I feel and enjoy the life living through me. My body is 70% water – it connects with water in all living beings, oceans, rivers, springs, and lakes. The universe’s abundance flows through me, opening the space inside like an open sky where the bubbles or clouds of my emotional bindings, grudges, and insecurities pass through and dissolve. I am part of the collective creative and enjoying it. The water in my body is healing every cell. I am healing relationships in the space of abundance. I am happy.

I am blessed with the fire and power to make things happen. It is blessed and provided by the collective as part of the evolution. I respect, cultivate, and channel it in a positive and healthy way. I am grateful for it. I am in a space of abundance and part of nature’s collective channel – I have no self-doubt. I feel, understand, and appreciate my self-worth. I am grateful for all I have in life.

I love the child inside of me. I accept the emotions and vulnerabilities of my mind and body as they are. I hold my current life with love and kindness. I hold all family, friends, and all living beings in the space of compassion and care. I send healing ripples to Mother Earth and the universe.

I listen to the message inside and express it with clarity. I plant seeds of positive change with my words. I listen to others carefully. I connect with all around me comfortably.

I maximize consciousness to craft my vision and direction. I have clarity of thought to tune into the universal knowledge and wisdom. I slow down and tune into my intuition.

I am part of the divine – I am connected to the divinity. It permeates my mind, body, and intellect and helps me be one with all.

What are your thoughts?