City Lights: Let the Beauty I Love Be What I Do

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We have valleys on the two sides of the hill. At night, the lights in the houses, businesses, and the sky above make a soothing sight.

Looking at the sky makes me wonder about the infinite space and the universe of countless galaxies. It gives perspective for Mother Earth as a tiny planet in our solar system that is part of the Milky Way galaxy.

Modern human civilization is like a blip in the radar when I think of more than four billion years of the earth’s history. Yet, when I look at the lights in the valleys, it feels like human ingenuity and evolving consciousness are expressed through the efforts of countless individuals. I am capturing my experience from a couple of different days.

Six Months Ago

The first is from six months or so ago. There were clouds in the sky – white color clouds. On the one side, the white light in the distance appeared in the moments to coordinate colors with the clouds.

On the other side, looking at it from a park, the moonlight filtering through the clouds and the ambient light from the valley floor merged for breathtaking moments.

A Few Weeks Ago

The second set of pictures is from a few weeks ago. The ambient light lightened up the horizon. It appeared as if the sky and universe held the landscape in a warm hug and unconditional love.

Let the Beauty I love Be What I Do

I heard a poem from Rumi on a mindfulness program:

Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

The city lights connected me to Rumi’s words. It’s almost as if the collective action of countless people struck harmony with their actions in our daily lives and created the experience of the city lights.

It inspires me to be the change I want to see and to engage in something that will make a positive difference.

What are your thoughts?